Speeches, Public Addresses and Other Authorized Utterances and Messages of President Woodrow Wilson. The text is taken from the Official White House copies. (1916)
Cover title: A book for Americans.
The Hymnal: : as authorized and approved for use by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of Our Lord MCMXVI. by the Protestant Episcopal Church. (1916). Text of hymns only; no music…
Bookplate: Library of Woodrow Wilson Birthplace, Staunton, Virginia. Gift of the W. K. McClure Foundation for the Study of World Affairs.
Bookplate: University of Virginia Law Library. Gift of the W. K. McClure Foundation for the Study of World…
Bookplate: Library of Woodrow Wilson Birthplace, Stauntion, Virginia. Gift of the W. K. McClure Foundation for the Study of World Affairs.
Stamp on title page: University of Virginia Law Library.
Inscription on recto of second front endsheet: "A good man through obscurest aspirations has still an instinct of the one true way." Goethe - Faust.
[erased sentence] With deepest appreciation presented by the author, Louis Dechmann.
On box cover:…
"An address delivered in response to the toast 'Virginia' at the banquet given by the citizens of Petersburg, Virginia, to the President of the United States and the governor of Pennsylvania, on May 19, 1909."