The Study of the Great War: A Topical Outline with Existence Quotations and Reading References by Samuel B Harding (1918). War Information Series no. 16.
Second Inauguration of Woodrow Wilson as President of the United States and Thomas Riley Marshall as Vice President of the United States by Sixty Fifth Congress (1918)
Congressional Vest Pocket Directory for the 65th Congress, 2d Session by South Trimble. 1918. Embossed in gold letters on the cover: Admiral Cary T. Grayson
Inscription on inside of front cover: Wallace McClure, May 27, 1927.
Stamp on inside of front cover: University of Virginia Law Library.
Bookplate: University of Virginia Law Library, The Woodrow Wilson Memorial Collection. Gift of the W. K.…
Inscription on inside of front cover: Wallace McClure, July 25, 1923.
Bookplate: University of Virginia Law Library. Gift of the W. K. McClure Foundation for the Study of World Affairs.
Stamp on inside of front cover: University of Virginia Law…
Stamp on title page: Room 542, N. W. Cor. 10th & Chestnut Sts., Phila.
Title from cover: The Photographic History of the Great European War in Gravure.
Three portrait sketches in pencil on the verso of back endsheet.
Bound collection of phonograph records.
Gift of Catherine Moore. 1 February, 2013.
Includes: Woodrow Wilson to the Farmers. Woodrow Wilson on Democratic Principles. Woodrow Wilson on Third Party. Woodrow Wilson on the Trusts. Popular Election of…
"Compiled and edited by Robert Newton Marshall, chairman of the General Committee for the Second Inauguration of Woodrow Wilson as president of the United States and Thomas Riley Marshall as vice president."