Browse Items (348 total)

  • Source is exactly "WWPL Rare Book Collection"

Inscription on verso of front cover: Property of: Hollins Richardson, 1830 Madison Ave., Baltimore Md. (94 Massachusetes Ave., Detroit Mich. [crossed out]). Hollins Richardson, S.M.A., Staunton Va. The following have read this book. Hollins Richerson…

Marbled fore-edge.

Lacking spine label. Front cover still attached.

Missing v. 1 of 1918-20. v. 2 of that issue recorded as 048.001a.
Last volume in box 47.

Bound collection of phonograph records.
Gift of Catherine Moore. 1 February, 2013.
Includes: Woodrow Wilson to the Farmers. Woodrow Wilson on Democratic Principles. Woodrow Wilson on Third Party. Woodrow Wilson on the Trusts. Popular Election of…

Gift of ? Hanger.
Bound collection of phonograph records.
Includes: Margaret Woodrow Wilson singing "The Star Spangled Banner,"

Bookplate: Katharine Brand Book Collection.
Inscription on recto of front endsheet: Katharine E. Bran, Summer, 1947. From the library of Ray Stannard Baker.

Bookplate: Library of Woodrow Wilson Birthplace, Staunton, Virginia.

Stamp on title page: Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 45 East 65th Strrt, New York 21, N. Y.

Stamp on title page: Room 542, N. W. Cor. 10th & Chestnut Sts., Phila.
Title from cover: The Photographic History of the Great European War in Gravure.
Three portrait sketches in pencil on the verso of back endsheet.

Inscription on recto of second front endsheet: Haller H. Henkel, June 1869.
Stamp on recto of second front endsheet: Haller H. Henkel.

Inscription on inside of inside of front cover: To my friend L. C. Marshall with best wishes and regards. Tom Connelly.
Inscription on recto of second front endsheet: Donated by Michael and Eleanor Seiforth in honor of Evarts Opie.
Cover on title:…

Inscription on cover: Julia B. Robbins, Lexington, N. Co., November 18th, Harriet B. Stowe.

"Printed Exclusively for The Literary Digest."

Inscription on recto of second front endsheet: M. A. Ashore, Aug. 1924.

Inscription on recto of front endsheet: Harold N. Pierce.
Book belonged to Harold N. Pierce, the father of the donor, Mrs. Stanley B. Piorkowski.

Record in Donor File: Princeton Theological Seminary.
Inscription on recto of front endsheet: Hester Roberson, Her Book, March 4th, 1858.
Inscription on verso of front endsheet: Ester Roberson, her book.
Inscription on verso of cover: by Cind…

Inscription on verso of front cover: Gift of Patricia O'Toole.

Gift of Kenneth Hipkins.
Inscription on verso of front endsheet: Sir P. Bergerfuss....
Stamp on page 101: KWH, Library of Kenneth W. Hipkins.

Gift of Michael D. Dickens.

Title from cover: Souvenir View Book of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition: 1915, San Francisco.

Inscription on recto of front endsheet: W. C. Larkins, May 1925.
Inscription on recto of front endsheet: To - Warden C. Larkins, Jr.
Gift of Mary Lou Parkins, 4/24/13.

Printed paper cover loose from text block. Spine missing.

On bottom fore-edge: G. M. J. Tenn.
Inscription on verso of front cover: Dana T. Myers, West 20.
Inscription on verso of front cover: World War I. Father. Dana T. Myers was from Tennessee. Woodrow Wilson, President.
Inscription on recto of back…

On cover: Inaugural Ceremonies, March Fourth, 1913, Final Report of the Chairman, Mrs. Walker W. Vick.
Part of the Jean Maurer donation of 2 September 2010 involving material from her great-grandfather, Walker W. Vick, an aid to Wilson and officer…

Inscription on recto of front endsheet: Billie From Herman Anias 1921. Billie Harper. Staunton, Virginia.
Inscription on recto of front endsheet: g27686/824a.
Inscription on verso of front cover: {113}.

Inscription on recto front endsheet: Donated by Phil Werner.

Front cover and spine separated from cover. Back cover missing. Title printed on front cover. Eleven pages of publisher's advertisements at the end.

Water damage. Visible mold spots on cover.

Inscription on recto of front endsheet: Billie Harper.

Inscription on recto of front endsheet: Billy Harper from R. K. 5. "Thanks."
Inscription on verso of front cover: London.

Inscription recto of second front endsheet: I. H. Mc.
Inscription recto of second front endsheet: C. P. Lambert from his friend, Arista Hoge, June 30, 1909.
Inscription recto of second front endsheet: Isis McWhorter from Mrs. Julia Sublett.

Inscription on recto of second front endsheet: Didfirst.

Stamp on verso of front cover: War Trade Board, Bureau of Research Library.

Inscription on cover: 300.
Cover title: PART EIGHTEEN.
Library only has segment 18 of 390 page book on the pictorial history of the Great War.
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