Browse Items (348 total)

  • Source is exactly "WWPL Rare Book Collection"

Inscription: Catherine A. Breneman. Cedar Mill.

Previously owned by Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. It was presented to UTS by Mrs. T. H. Rice

Gift of David Boger.

Inscription on cover: Julia B. Robbins, Lexington, N. Co., November 18th, Harriet B. Stowe.

From the library of Ray Stannard Baker and donated by Katharine Brand, summer 1947.

Gift of Michael D. Dickens.

Inscription: Presented to Margaret Phalen by her mother, December 1906.

Inscription on cover: 300.
Cover title: PART EIGHTEEN.
Library only has segment 18 of 390 page book on the pictorial history of the Great War.

Inscription on inside of front cover: Wallace McClure, May 27, 1927.
Stamp on inside of front cover: University of Virginia Law Library.
Bookplate: University of Virginia Law Library, The Woodrow Wilson Memorial Collection. Gift of the W. K.…

Inscribed on title page, "Katharine E. Brand Summer, 1947 from the Library of Ray Stannard Baker"

Gift of Katharine E. Brand

Inscription on recto of second front endsheet: "A good man through obscurest aspirations has still an instinct of the one true way." Goethe - Faust.
[erased sentence] With deepest appreciation presented by the author, Louis Dechmann.
On box cover:…

Cover title: In Memoriam: Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States.
Inscription on recto of front endsheet: Hon. D. Laurence Groner with the warm regards of Edith Bolling Wilson, May 4th 1941.

Inscription on inside of inside of front cover: To my friend L. C. Marshall with best wishes and regards. Tom Connelly.
Inscription on recto of second front endsheet: Donated by Michael and Eleanor Seiforth in honor of Evarts Opie.
Cover on title:…

Inscription on verso of front cover: Gift of Patricia O'Toole.

"Printed Exclusively for The Literary Digest."

Inscription on recto of front endsheet: W. C. Larkins, May 1925.
Inscription on recto of front endsheet: To - Warden C. Larkins, Jr.
Gift of Mary Lou Parkins, 4/24/13.

Bound collection of phonograph records.
Gift of Catherine Moore. 1 February, 2013.
Includes: Woodrow Wilson to the Farmers. Woodrow Wilson on Democratic Principles. Woodrow Wilson on Third Party. Woodrow Wilson on the Trusts. Popular Election of…

Bookplate: Library of Woodrow Wilson Birthplace, Staunton, Virginia.
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